Jayi Acrylic Industry Limited was established in 2004. It is a professional acrylic items factory integrating R & D, design, production, sales and technology. Jayi je remeselná značka, ktorá spája nezávislý dizajn produktov, tvorbu štýlu, výrobu, predaj a servis. Je zodpovedný za každý odkaz a dodržiava svoj záväzok voči zákazníkom. While covering the entire supply chain, it is oriented towards global procurement. From product design and development to terminal product services, we provide overall solutions for display products, and we hope to do more for our customers' exhibition industry dreams.
Jayi Acrylic is an extraordinary name among the best acrylic custom made products manufacturers in China. Posledných 20 rokov vyrábame produkty z plexiskla pre niektoré z najlepších svetových značiek. Through the strength of our acrylic factories and acrylic wholesale suppliers, we help companies large and small to promote themselves in an impactful way. Years of production experience allow us to easily manage the entire production supply chain, which is our unique advantage as the best acrylic manufacturer and a strong guarantee for us to provide acrylic wholesale production services. Aby sme ochránili našu planétu, vždy sa snažíme pri výrobe akrylových produktov používať ekologické materiály. We are constantly developing new products to find more sustainable ways to mass manufacture and deliver acrylic products to you, check out our wide range of custom acrylic products!
Jayi Acrylic is one of the most professional Plexiglass Products Suppliers & Acrylic Custom Solution Service Manufacturer in China . We are associated with many organizations and units due to our top-quality products and advanced management system. Jayi Acrylic was started with a single purpose: to make premium acrylic products accessible and affordable for brands at any stage of their business. We are a acrylic organizer box case manufacturers; acrylic calendar holder factory. Spojte sa so svetovou továrňou na akrylové výrobky, aby ste podnietili lojalitu k značke vo všetkých vašich kanáloch plnenia. Sme milovaní a podporovaní mnohými svetovými špičkovými spoločnosťami.